ZAROPLEX Welcome to ZAROPLEX!! This game will test your recall as you attempt to repeat the pattern of lighted bars displayed by the game - not as easy as you might think!!! There are three levels of play: Level 1: 15 lives/player One new bar activated at a time One point/correct bar chosen Level 2: 10 lives/player Two new bars activated at a time Two points/correct bar chosen Level 3: 5 lives/player Four new bars activated at a time Four points/correct bar chosen There are 5 rounds in the game. If you complete a round, you get bonus points; the number of bonus points you get depends on the level of play and the total number of bars you picked (right AND wrong) in the round. Once a round is completed, a new pattern of bars is created for each player, and more bars are added: Round Bars 1 12 2 24 3 36 4 48 5 60 Good Luck!!!!!! This game is the first in the LORVOX series of games. It was released on 12 April 1997 by SPAK Dynamics, and was written by Steven Pomeroy. There will be other LORVOX series games coming in the future (expected date of the next game is May of 1997); be sure to check the SPAK Dynamics Home Page ( for future releases!! This game is shareware, and can be freely distributed.